Saturday, August 6, 2011

REC: Ancient History by Shattered Glass Rose

Find her on Twitter @Shattered1025

Bella is at her wits end. She has to make a change. And when she does, everything changes. What does she do when her whole world is flipped upside down?

Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Bella & Jasper

This is my first Fic to write. I figure if you are reading my blog you might as well read my fic too.
Happy reading!

Thanks @Shattered1025 for the rec!

REC: The Long Walk Home by Lulabelle98

Find her on Twitter @Lulabelle98

Summary: With World War One looming, can Edward and Bella's relationship survive? Set in Chicago, 1917. AH.

Set in 1917, this epic saga takes us back to an age of innocence, where the hearts were purer and rules were simpler. We meet a 17 year old, straight laced Edward with love in his heart and dreams in his eyes. His love is for Bella of course. Unfortunately, his dream is to go to war and fight for his country. Painted in the backdrop of the First Great War, this story pulls the reader in with a refreshing simplicity and easy flow of words. 

Please give this story a chance. Lulabelle98 is doing an amazing job in spinning an intriguing tale of love, loss, and hope amidst darkness.

Thank you @ToTheDreaming for the Rec!

RANT: Conversation with a Frienemy

By: Shattered Glass Rose
Find her on Twitter @Shattered1025

This would be the conversation that sparked the last rant. I copied it and pasted it directly into the blog. I do not for one minute agree with what she said. And I also did not go to the other sites that she mentions. I don't care what they have to say about my friend's story and I will not give their site the traffic just to find out. I think that this attitude and behavior is outrageous. I can honestly say that she is the first person in the Fandom I have come in contact with who has this attitude. I thank the rest of you for representing the TwiFam better than she and her circle have. I had no idea that anyone felt this way about the Fandom as a whole until talking to her. After this conversation and several tweets where she talks bad about several stories, I just could not take it anymore. I ranted to get it off my chest. Enjoy the attitude and the mistakes. Thank you for reading. Please, feel free to comment. ~SGR

Me: I know it is freedom of speech and all, but your words that everyone can see hurt people. Reviews are one thing, but talking shit about someone else's story in an open forum, like Twitter is harsh. It is not mine and I haven't read it, but I know that if it were mine, it would make me want to quit writing. Please take her feelings in to consideration before you say anymore about her story. Or at least move it to PM's or DM's. We are a TwiFam and we need to support each other even if we don't personally like it.

Her: Apparently you should venture into Twi'd or ADF where they're ripped her apart far worse than I am. I'm having a discussion with 3 other people---two who agree with me and 2 who don't. You don't have to like what I say on MY twitter, but again it is MINE. The author does not follow me and even if she did, it wouldn't stop me from discussing her fic. As an author myself, when readers don't like something i've done and can give me a logical reason as to why, I want to know. I understand you think this i a twiFam, but I've lived in the politics of this fandom. We are not only big happy family---most of us can't stand the other. and I will not sensor my comments on my twitter.

MeOk. Well, I just felt I had to say something. Felt it was the right thing to do. Thanks for your time.