Friday, August 12, 2011

REC: Offside by Savage7289

Find her on Twitter @Savage7289

Edward's the star keeper for the Forks High School soccer team, and is already being scouted by leagues overseas. Bella's just moved from Phoenix and interferes with his…focus. Soccerward lives! Rated M for the good stuff, of course.

The tale of Soccerward is truly a colorful one. I enjoy an Edward that I can love to kinda sorta hate. And, in typical Savage fashion, all is not pretty. A little ugly is good for the soul, I think. There's humor and hotness, but angst and one hell of a Douchelisle, too. Plus, daily updates! 

Thank you @JadaPattinson (FFn: jadalulu) for the rec!

RANT: Friend or Frienemy

By: Shattered Glass Rose
Find her on Twitter @Shattered1025

OK, it has been brought to my attention that we are not all as I thought. I was recently informed that not only are we not all one big TwiFam, but we also all apparently hate each other. I can not believe that to be true. I have found a great group of friends in the Fandom and would go to bat for any of them. We have become a family, which is why I call us all the TwiFam. Yes, I understand that some of you have received more notoriety for your stories, but that does not make you any better than those of us just getting started. I also understand that we are not all going to like every story that we read. However, I think that it is absolutely unacceptable to continually ream an author just because you don't agree with where you think they are taking their fic. You are not the one writing it. How do you know what is coming next? Leave a review letting them know that you don't like it, if you must. But why must you proceed to talk trash about them and their story for days at a time on an international forum? I get that it is YOUR Twitter and you can say whatever you want, but do you realize that every time you talk about it, you just make more people want to go read it. AND do you not realize that you are not making her look bad? In fact, all you are doing is making yourself look like a miserable bitch! Good job on that one!!! I feel bad for my friend because, like many newer authors, she looks up to those of you with more experience and she takes your words to heart. But, more than her, I feel sorry for the future generations, because if you are the example that is being set for them our whole world is SCREWED! I was raised with the rule of "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" and that is clearly not the case for all of us. Some might argue that I am breaking that rule here. But the bigger rules that I was raised with were "Stick up for the underdog" and "Defend your friends and what is right." So, I think those will cover this. So, I will stick to my feelings about the fandom and my TwiFam. Just one last thought, maybe if you and others like you quit being such bitches, there would be less hate and animosity in the fandom... Just saying.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

RANT: Bad Fucking Afternoon!!!

By: Shattered Glass Rose
Find her on Twitter @Shattered1025

So, today I was at church and was TOTALLY PISSED OFF!!! Which sucks, because I fester and It just makes me more and more angry as the evening progresses. Four things happened that pissed me off. The first two are insignificant and really don't matter. The last two (the last especially) had me so angry that I had to fight back the tears. So here goes.
First, I play in the hand bell choir at my church. At the end of the last bell year (May) one of our members (Rachel) informed us that she will be moving to another part of the state by the end of Aug. and would not be continuing with us this year, which started tonight. When she said that, I told our director that I wanted her bells because the technique that I have to use to play my bells hurts my hand. I hold two bells in each hand and after an hour long practice, my fingers hurt really badly. Well, he didn't remember and gave those bells to someone else.
Second, I went to get my gloves that I had purchased at the beginning of last year and they were gone. Someone had taken them out of my folder and tossed them in with all of the nasty used gloves that are God only knows how old.
I can look over those two things. But the rest is where I was about to go off on someone.
So... back to it.
Third, I am in there and we are playing a piece that I have never even looked at. I can read music, but reading it and playing it perfectly the first time are totally different. Our director was getting frustrated with me because I kept fudging this particularly hard part. I told him that it was the first time that I had ever seen the piece, at all. And he tells me that I was supposed to have gotten my music at the end of June and taken it home to look it over. I reminded him that I was HAVING A BABY at the end of June. His response, "Well, we all have lives." Are you fucking kidding me!!! So, while I am dealing with my first newborn as a single mom, I am supposed to be looking over a piece of music because you want to have a rehearsal with no errors? Screw you buddy!!! I could not make eye contact with him for the rest of practice, because I knew that if I did, I would either go off on him or burst into tears. Neither would have been good. I also couldn't look behind me, because my mother stands in the row behind mine in bells, and the moment I made eye contact with her, I would have been a sobbing mess, guaranteed.
And the final straw, which was a huge fucking straw...
Fourth, I am getting J out of the nursery and the care giver asked me who it is that J gets his red hair from. I responded with "No one from my side. His S.D., and I call him that because D (my friends' four year old son) will repeat what I say if I call him what I really want to, was adopted at birth. So, we know nothing of his biologicals. Not that he is around to answer those questions, even if he did know." It is common knowledge that Sperm Donor, texted the night before J was born and told me he wants nothing to do with me or J. CHICKEN SHIT! Well, a mutual friend of Sperm Donor/Chicken Shit and myself was in the room and when I said that, she throws her hands in the air, gets pissed, says "I can't take this!" and storms out of the building. Her father follows after her and I can see them outside while she is going off because I bad mouthed someone who she clearly thinks is the fucking Dad of the year! Really! Are you fucking serious! I gave him chance after chance to be a part of J's life and he said he would, and then didn't even have the balls to call and actually tell me that he was a spineless coward who couldn't do right by his son. It was his choice to not be a part of this perfect little angel who has been the silver lining to a very dark cloud in my life. I did not force him out. Why the fuck is she mad at me! She had been my friend since 2000, and she is going to take the side of a dead beat whom she has only known for two or three years. Well, Fuck her and the friendship. Because I can not have that kind of person around me or J! He needs people who understand the situation and support him. Not people who think that he and I are the ones in the wrong. I started thinking about it later and I realized that she is the only friend who has not even looked at him. She hasn't held him, asked questions about him, or even feigned any sort of interest in his or my well being. And neither has her hubs. So there is no telling what Fuck face, Dead Beat Dad has told them. But, you know what? They can all go fuck themselves in a fucking circle jerk! I don't give a damn. I don't need them and J sure as Hell doesn't need them. Fucking Bitch!!!
I know that I am probably overreacting, but there are certain people you don't mess with. Some of them happen to be Scorpios, Italians/Sicilians, and Mothers. And I happen to be all three of those. UGH!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

REC: In the Shallows by Porcia

Summary: Everywhere I look, something reminds me of him. Smells, words, colours, songs. For two years I've cried over him. The best thing that's ever happened to me. The love of my life. He left because we were hurting. Because I was in the shallows.

Thank you DreamOfTheEndless for the Rec!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

RAMBLING: 14374 Seconds

By Blood of Your Lips
Find her on Twitter @BloodOfYourLips 

Did you know that there are 86400 seconds in a day?

Well, there are. There are 86400 seconds in a day. And while I know that makes me sound like a geek, particularly when I tell you that I stayed awake in bed last night to do the math, there is method to my mathness. (10 points to Slytherin - or the House of your choice - if you understood that joke and can tell me where it came from .)

So let’s begin with the math… Don’t worry. You don’t have to do any math during this blog. I’ve done it all for you.

If there are 86400 seconds in a whole 24 hours and you minus 28800 seconds (8 hours) for sleep, that leaves you with 57600 seconds of awake time. But, alas, there is such a thing as work, so then you have to calculate the seconds that you work… So let’s figure in those numbers.

The average person works 28800 seconds (8 hours) a day, which would leave the average person 28800 seconds of free time. Of course, you could be a nurse working in a hospital or something; in which case, you would be working 43200 seconds (12 hours) a day.

But even with 28800 seconds of sleep and 43200 seconds of work, that still leaves you with 14400 seconds of free time.

Here’s another interesting fact: From my cellphone, which is much harder to use than my computer, it took me 52 seconds to compose and send a short email; and I figured it would be half for the computer, but I took out a stopwatch and checked anyway.

It was 24 seconds. 24 seconds to compose a short email of 82 characters that simply said “Hey. I’m sorry. I’m very busy today. Talk to you later. Thinking of you. Miss you.”

24 seconds. It took 24 seconds to express in 82 characters a whole message. In 24 seconds and 82 characters, you just said “Hey. I am sorry, but I’m very busy with work today. I will talk to you as soon as I can, because I’ve been thinking about you and I miss you.”

Wow… Astounding, huh?

How does this all tie together?, you ask. Well, let me tell you.

We all spend so much time thinking about time in hours, days, maybe even weeks or months. But the truth of the matter is that if you broke it down to its most basic components, you would find that you have a lot more free time than you think.

After all, 24 seconds out of 14400 is not that much. It still leaves you with 14374 seconds of the 14400 seconds of free time you have (and that’s if you work 43200 seconds a day, instead of 28800 seconds a day!).

So if you think that you are too busy to send your partner/spouse/child/parent a short email or text telling them that you miss them and you love them, because you schedule is oh-so-damned busy, than you really might want to rethink your priorities and your time.

When you think about your time in hours, of course you are never going to have enough time, because the numbers are much smaller: 24 compared to 86400? That’s a huge difference… And I can guarantee you that you have more 86400 to spare than only 24.

So really look at how you are spending your time, look at who (loved ones) andwhat (quality time with said loved ones) you are “too busy” for, and remember…

Every seconds counts!

Update Notice

Ancient History Chapter 7
By: Shattered Glass Rose

Will Bella get the job? Who is the principal? Is Edward out of her life for good? Find out by clicking on the link and reading chapter 7.

Thank you @Shattered1025 for the notice!